PIANO LESSON is an adaptation of the play August Wilson wrote in 1987. There have been many performances of the play. In 1995, a film starring Charles Dutton and Alfre Woodard and directed by Lloyd Richards was successfully done. Many are wondering if this adaptation will hold up. I’m glad to say that it does and I’m sure August Wilson would be proud of what Malcolm Washington and Virgil Williams have done with this version of the screenplay.
To view the live review of this film with Bonnie DeShong and Reggie “The Reel Critic” Ponder click below
The film is set in 1936 Pittsburgh after the Great Depression. The play is based on the lives of the Charles family and an heirloom piano with carvings of their ancestors.

Berniece Charles (Danielle Deadwyler) has possession of the piano in Pittsburgh where she lives with her uncle Doaker Charles (Samuel L. Jackson). Her brother Boy Willie (John David Washington) comes to Pittsburgh to talk Bernice into selling the piano so he can buy some of the land his family worked in the south. Bernice is hard set on not selling the piano and the conflict begins. Throw in some ghosts, colorful characters, funny situations, a great setting, and a lot of heart and you have an amazing movie experience.

John David’s Boy Willie has the right amount of determination, a little recklessness, and the need to own his own land that you understand why selling he piano doesn’t affect him.
Danielle Deadwyler’s Bernice understands the meaning of the carvings on the piano, while it was stolen away from the white owners of it, and the spirits that inhabit it.
Samuel L. Jackson as Doaker Charles is, as a friend of mine noted, Switzerland. He is trying to stay neutral and understands both sides. He was one of the ones that stole the piano in the first place.

All the characters and the actors that played them were on point and essential to the film.
Even though I thought the dancing at the jute joint was too choreographed, the scene allowed us to get to know the feel and flavor of Pittsburgh during that time.
PIANO LESSON is a must-see AT THE THEATER before it goes to streaming.
I give it 5 out of 5 winks of the EYE!
Until next time, keep your EYE to the sky!!