The Cast: Kenneth Branagh -Hercule Poirot; Tina Fey -Ariadne Oliver; Michelle Yeoh – Mrs. Reynolds; Amir El-Masry– Alessandro Longo; Riccardo Scamarcio -Vitale Portfoglio; Fernando Piloni -Vincenzo Di Stefano; Camille Cottin – Olga Seminoff; Jude Hill -Leopold Ferrier; Jamie Dornan – Dr. Leslie Ferrier; Kelly Reilly – Rowena Drake; Emma Laird – Desdemona Holland;
Director – Kenneth Branagh
Writers – Michael Green, Agatha Christie

The Plot in a Blink of the EYE: The place is Venice, post WWII. Hercule Poirot has retired from solving the mystery of who did it. He is somewhat of a recluse with a security person to make sure he is not disturbed. Author and friend, Ariadne Oliver convinces him to go to a séance with her on All Hollows Eve (Halloween) in a haunted rundown palazzo. Her hope is he will become intrigued and come out of retirement, solve the case and she can write a best seller about it. The daughter of the owner, Rowena Drake, died and Rowena wants to know how. Poirot doesn’t believe in hauntings or seances but after a guest is killed, he is back on the case of finding the murderer.
The EYE’s View:
“A Haunting in Venice” is inspired by the Agatha Christie novel “Hallowe’en Party.” Even though there are a few new twists in the film I think Agatha Christie fans will not be disappointed in the adaptation at all.
Kenneth Branagh returns in film number three as Detective Hercule Poirot. He also directed all three in the series (Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile). I thought he did a fabulous job in both roles. I couldn’t help at times thinking about Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau in some of his expressions.

When the film began, I was sure I knew where it was going and who the murderer was. Ten minutes later, after letting out a jump and a little, and I mean little scream, I was confident I figured out who it was. After deciding at least five more times who the murderer was I gave up and enjoyed the hauntings, surprises, and how Poirot solved the case.
There are plenty of clues to follow for those of you who like to play detective. There is the right amount of scare for those of you who like to jump, cover, your eyes, or let out a little scream.

Venice as the backdrop of this mystery is perfect. It’s moody and spooky, and there is something about a gondola floating down the canal in the dark with a masked, hooded, figure that gives you chills.
“A HAUNTING IN VENICE” gets 4 out of 5 winks of the EYE! See it on the big screen before it goes streaming.
Until next time, keep your EYE to the Sky!